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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.

2024-25 UCEAP application deadlines are posted by country and by deadline. Sign up for email or mobile notifications when UCEAP apps open Nov 1.

  • Locations: Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Program Terms: IOP Fall, IOP Spring, IOP Year (academic)
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: IFSA 
  • This program is currently not accepting applications. If the deadline has recently passed, you may wish to complete the Extension Request Form.

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year UCM Deadline Campus Decision Date Start Date End Date
IOP Spring 2025 09/09/2024
Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.

Indicates that deadline has passed. If the deadline has recently passed, you may wish to complete the Extension Request Form for a possible extension.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Click here for a definition of this term Class standing: 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior Language of instruction: English
Housing options: Dormitory / affiliated residences, Independent, Private apartments Click here for a definition of this term Areas of study: Anthropology, Art history, Biochemistry, Economics, English, French, History, Legal studies, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish
Program Description:




University of Oxford, All Colleges & Halls

About the Programs
Dive into your discipline with Oxford’s tutorial system! You will be a visiting student at a specific college, and will focus your studies on your major and minor subjects. Most tutorials will be one-on-one or small group meetings between students and tutors, though some science subjects have lectures as well.

For specific information about each of our University of Oxford programs, please see the specific college or hall listing within your school’s study abroad student portal:
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, Hertford College
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, Mansfield College
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, Regent’s Park College
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College - Premedical Program
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, St. Catherine’s College
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, St. Edmund College
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, St. Peter’s College (Summer)
  • IFSA - University of Oxford, Worcester College

  • Study at one of the world’s most prestigious universities
  • Classic tutorial-based courses allow you to delve deeply into your subject area. The one-on-one teaching format means that your syllabus is flexible based on your interests.
  • Join a non-auditioning and very welcoming student choir that performs regular performances and weekly lunch time concerts.
  • Participate in a diverse range of social activities, including dances, jazz and cocktails, quizzes, movie nights and more.
  • Facilities for most major sports in or near the college, including a boathouse for student use.
  • Fall students can arrive early for the Early Start/September Seminar, which awards an additional 4 U.S. semester credit hours. This option is available at the following programs:
    • Hertford College
    • Lady Margaret Hall
    • St. Anne’s College
    • St. Anne’s College - Premedical Program
    • Worcester College

Tutorial System
The hallmark of the University of Oxford academics is the tutorial system. The tutorial is typically a one-hour meeting between one or two students and the tutor. Tutorials usually meet once a week or every other week, and at the center of the tutorial is an essay on a topic the tutor previously assigned. The tutor will lead a discussion about the essay topic in an effort to provide new insights. At the end of the tutorial, the tutor will assign a new topic and may offer recommended reading. Tutorials are individually arranged, taking into account the subject to be studied and the tutor's area of expertise. They are similar to independent study courses, but Oxford students bear even more responsibility for conducting independent research and maintaining good academic progress. The University of Oxford organizes weekly lectures on myriad academic subjects, and all students at the University, regardless of college, are welcome to attend. Lectures are not usually mandatory except for some science subjects, but tutors often recommend them as good supplements to tutorials and research.

About Oxford
Oxford is a bustling, modern city anchored by an air of academic tradition, with a diverse population and an urban edge. Oxford offers incredible architecture, from medieval to modern, cultural events, museums, concert halls, river sports in addition to pubs, restaurants, and nightlife. 

Afford Your Journey
Grants, financial aid, credit card payments and more are available. IFSA scholarships are primarily need-based and factor in any additional cost your study abroad program might have over home school tuition. The awards are $500 for summer programs, $1,500 for semester programs, and $2,500 for full year programs. These scholarships may apply to any IFSA program, with the exception of our custom programs.

Take the Next Step!

Contact Us
6201 Corporate Drive Suite 200 
Indianapolis, IN 46278

This program is currently not accepting applications. If the deadline has recently passed, you may wish to complete the Extension Request Form.